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12/10/20 - Launch of One Donegal Social Inclusion Week

Launch of Donegal Social Inclusion Week - Cathaoirleach Rena Donaghey and Chief Executive John McLaughlin launch Social Inclusion Week live on the Greg Hughes show Highland Radio


The annual One Donegal Social Inclusion Week was officially launched on Highland Radio this morning by the Donegal County Council, Chief Executive John McLaughlin and Cathaoirleach, Rena Donaghey.


The One Donegal Social Inclusion Week takes place each year in October and in normal circumstances is a week long, countywide series of events that highlight the range of services that assist in dealing with issues that exclude individuals participating fully in their communities. This year, however, due to the current public health restrictions, the One Donegal Social Inclusion Week has moved online.


A lunchtime webinar will be held each day to discuss matters relating to social inclusion in County Donegal. Today, a discussion took place on Covid-19, Inclusion and Equality. Disability Awareness and Inclusion Training is available on Tuesday. Wednesday lunchtime webinar will concentrate on the Common Travel Area and how it affects people in Donegal. Thursday will see a discussion on how volunteers continue to contribute to the effort in dealing with public health restrictions and the series of lunchtime webinars come to an end with an exploration of the  Connecting For Life Strategy and tips for looking after your health and wellbeing in tough times. Registration details are on the Donegal County Council website.


Speaking at the launch of Social Inclusion Week in Letterkenny Public Services Centre this morning, John McLaughlin, Chief Executive noted that at the beginning of lock down in March Donegal County Council set up a Community Response Forum and a free phone helpline for people in need to call during the pandemic, and he took the opportunity to remind people that this phone line remains open. 1800-928-982


Launch of Donegal Social Inclusion Week, Front Row – Joleen Kuyper Donegal Travellers Project, John McLaughlin CE Donegal County Council,  Cathaoirleach Rena Donaghey, Liam Ward Director of Service. Back Row - Róise NÍ Laifeartaigh DCC,  Mary Clyde DCC, Anne Timony/Meehan CYPS, Sharleen Tinney DCC, Annette McGrenera DCC, Mairead Cranley DCC


Following the launch members of Donegal Age Friendly Alliance were interviewed by Greg Hughes where they outlined the range of services available to older people as we face into Winter and encouraged older and vulnerable people to reach out through the helpline if the current restrictions create issues for them.


Other online events that will be happening during One Donegal Social Inclusion Week include an open information session for young people who may wish to become part of Donegal Youth Council, a zoom discussion on why mental health is central to getting the most out of life, an intergenerational fitness session for all ages and abilities, online presentations on social history by Donegal County Archives and a parents webinar


Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Cllr Rena Donaghey stated that the importance and value of community and community spirit has never been so important and this was evident in the past few months with hundreds of volunteers around the County helping those who were advised to cocoon at home and she commended and thanked those communities for coming together and looking out for each other.


All information and registration details for One Donegal Social Inclusion Week 2020 is available on the Donegal County Council website here, or by email at [email protected].


The full programme of events can be accessed here: Social Inclusion Week 2020 programme of events

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